
Importane of Name Correction

Name Correction

Introduction to Name and Significance of name in Human Life.

Introduction of Basic Numrology Which includs Core Numbers Calculation.

Relationship of Numbers.

Introduction of Roman Letters A to Z.

Understanding of Romans Letter's and their correlation to element, Planets, Zodiac Signs and Nakshtra.

Significance of Alphabets at Specific Position in Name.

Significance of Numbers of Letter in Name, Position in Name to Specific Part of Human Life.

Prediction Based on Name.

Prediction Based on Name Grid.

Practical Case Studies from Class Attendies.

Replacement & Reactification of Name.

Selection of Name.

Remedies Where name Change's Not Possibal.

Spacial Process of Name Achivation.

Significance of Alphabets Significance of Alphabets
Significance of Name Significance of Name
Reactification of Name Reactification of Name